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      Exhaust Hoods & Filters

Grease laden vapors from daily kitchen cooking operations travel into the hood, through the baffle hood filters and into the ductwork which leads to the exhaust fan. Grease is a fuel that can ignite with a simple spark from the kitchen cooking line and spread throughout the attic and onto the roof within seconds, causing severe damage and potential loss of life. The owner of the establishment has the ultimate responsibility to ensure the exhaust system is safe and efficient. We ensure that all surface areas of a kitchen exhaust system are cleaned and maintained the way they should be. We are very detail oriented, especially the areas we often see neglected. These include the fire suppression nozzles, fusible links, filter tracking and the areas above and behind the filters. These areas are all important to provide the safest working environment, and maximize the life of your kitchen exhaust hood.

Complete Ductwork Restoration & Cleaning

Too often, we notice the duct work in a lot of restaurants are not given the necessary quality cleaning that are required to conform with NFPA '96 and local fire code safety standards. A lot of times, after years of being neglected the build up of grease can become a serious fire safety hazard and very hard to remove using only chemicals and a pressure washer. That is where we come in! Our abilities go beyond your standard cleaning and then becomes more of a "duct restoration". Grease accumulation is baked on with the constant heat caused by consistent daily cooking that occurs in a restaurant. We use various tools to scrape the grease off by hand and install access panels when they are required to reach inaccessible areas. Avoidable grease fires cost owners millions of dollars in damage every year so why gamble on all of the hard work put into making your establishment what it is today?

Kitchen Equipment Restoration & Cleaning + Full Kitchen Cleanings

The equipment that makes the daily operations in a kitchen possible can be hard to keep clean and maintain. Without the right knowledge, industrial chemicals, and time of day, it can be very hard to stay on top of these tasks. To maximize the life, appearance, and performance of these essential, and very expensive pieces of equipment, keeping them clean is a must! Complete Kitchen Exhaust specializes in the RESTORATION of neglected kitchen equipment & kitchen exhaust systems. Whether you purchased a restaurant that hasn't been maintained, are being mandated to clean it due to health and safety or you just want to restore the appearance of your existing equipment, We have you covered! We can give it the shine it once had with our expertise in restoration. Complete is on of the best companies you can contact. We will give you results that are guaranteed to surpass your expectations. The quality we provide is above and beyond that of our competitors and you will notice! Before & After photos are taken after EVERY cleaning and posted to our social media outlets such as Facebook & Instagram. Transparency to our customers is a very crucial aspect to our business. We take pride in our work and we will go above and beyond until the job is COMPLETE!

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Areas We Service:




York region

Durham Region

Peel Region








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